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Selected Works: Paintings

Arden Rose
P.O. Box 90625
Santa Barbara, California 93190-0625 USA
Tel : (516) 724 0797
If you wish to purchase paintings, prints, or publications please contact Arden Rose, preferably by phone. However, if you choose to email her please include your physical address and phone number.  


Arden Rose paints scenes around the world in the French Impressionist style. Her oil paintings, watercolors and prints are influenced by such Impressionists as Monet, Renoir, Van Gogh, Pissarro, Cassatt, Bonnard, and Sorolla. Though her technique is reminiscent of these masters, using small brush stokes, emphasizing color harmony and light, her style is her own, exhibiting greater vibrancy and clarity.

Among her colorful subjects are scenes around the world; landscapes, people in scenes, local color, gardens, flower markets, vegetable markets, landmarks, fishermen, old bridges, polo matches. She captures the essence, life and character in all that she paints. She paints in plein air and also from photographs that she has taken during her extensive travels.

Arden Rose's scenes around the world include France (Paris, Loire Valley, Nice, and the Riviera); England (Oxford and Henley); Italy (Lake Como, Florence, Tuscany, Bari); Caribbean (especially St. Barthelemy, French West Indies); New York (Central Park and the Hamptons); and California (including Santa Barbara, Big Sur, Carmel, Yosemite, and San Francisco).

In addition to being an accomplished artist, Arden Rose has been a consultant to individuals and corporations as to how to work out problems, enhance creativity, and create a relaxing environment through color. She also had an extensive career as a Child Psychotherapist after graduating from UC Berkeley. Upon graduation, she combined her painting career and Child Psychotherapy career to become a pioneer and author in the field of art therapy for disturbed children and adults, especially autism.


Arden Rose was born in Boston, Massachusetts, currently resides in Santa Barbara, California, and has had a winter art studio in St. Barthelemy. She has exhibited at Galerie Laurens on Avenue Matignon in Paris, France; at Galerie Marumo in Los Angeles, California; and at Campanile Galleries Inc. in Chicago, Illinois.

In 1993, she was nominated for the Award of Arts and Letters to the Minister of Culture in France. In June 1993 and June 1994, she was invited by the French government to be the American artist guest of honor at the Fêtes des Impressionistes. In November 1992 she received the certificate of excellence in the New York Soho International Art Competition juried by the American art critic, Dennis Wepman. In December 1992, the book Arden Rose, the Vision of a Painter was published, with the preface by the renowned art critic and art historian André Parinaud.

During October and November 1987, Arden Rose exhibited at the Salon d'Autumne at the Grand Palais in Paris, France, and in May 1988 at the Festivale Internationale in Osaka, Japan, and in June 1988 at the Museé Guimet in Paris France.

During November 1982, she participated in a group exhibit at Galerie Marumo as the only living artist amidst the paintings of such French Masters as Pissarro, Bonnard, Dufy, Signac, and Utrillo.

On February 28, 1982, she had a one-woman exhibition of her paintings at Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall in San Francisco, sponsored by Cyril Magnin.

Arden Rose graduated from the University of California at Berkeley. She is the author of the book Interacting Through Creative Arts Activities, published by Pitman Learning, Inc. She is a biographee in the millennium edition of Who's Who in the West, and is a biographee in the millennium edition of Outstanding People in the 20th Century, published by the International Biographical Centre of Cambridge, England. She is also a biographee in the 2003 edition of Who's Who in America.

Arden Rose’s paintings are in exclusive private collections as well as corporate collections, internationally. Among these are AT&T, Baxter Health International, the former CEO of Union Bank of Switzerland, former President of Campbell Soup International.

You are welcome to view the artist's paintings and limited edition prints or commission a special subject. Slides and Digital Images of available works may be sent to you.


"Arden Rose's painting, radiant with color and harmony, speaks the truth. It thus appears like the affirmation of our dearest desire to find paradise lost - once again..."

- excerpt from the preface in English and in French,  by André Parinaud, Art Critic, Art Historian; Paris, France
Published in the book
Arden Rose, the Vision of a Painter
(this book may be ordered from Arden Rose)

"Arden Rose is the best Impressionist artist in the United States!  The lyrical harmonies she paints are so outstanding in beauty, color, light and Impressionist technique, that when I saw her exhibit at Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall, 
I suddenly had the feeling it was 1882, and here was Monet and Renoir."

- F. Lanier Graham, Former Chief Curator, The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco;
Former Curator, The Museum of Modern Art, New York City; Art Historian:
Author of
Three Centuries of American Painting, and Three Centuries of French Art

"I don't wonder that Arden Rose has a corsage of loyal and enthusiastic collectors around the country. I found in her work an interesting and paradoxical mixture of stillness and tranquility, vitality and excitement, and overall an attractive luminosity. I am invited into her paintings, made to feel at home and even at peace. I sense in them a timeless continuity, and I like that, too."

- Charles Champlin, Former Arts Editor, Los Angeles Times
Champlin on Film, Bravo Cable System

"Arden Rose is a painter of high and great talent, first American, then French, then universal. Her paintings have an extraordinary luminosity, vitality and clarity which reflect life as it is, and that is very rare. Her subjects live, vibrate and bring brightness and gaiety to the world."

- Henri Viard, Scénarist de Cinéma et de Télévision, Chateau d'Assay, France

"Arden Rose expresses beauty of the art form through her use of color with a vividness and honesty that will be obvious to the viewers of her exhibitions. She uses color gorgeously!"

- Rollo May, Ph.D.; author of both The Courage to Create and Love and Will.


Arden Rose developed structured art therapy activities involving tasks conducted in silence including painting, sculpting, music, dance, writing, and drama, followed by group discussion, in order to promote self-awareness, communication, and to work out problems.

She instituted and tested these activities internationally. Her book, Interacting Through Creative Arts Activities, went around the world and sold out to teachers.

One example of her success in art therapy was a disadvantaged seven year old African-American boy diagnosed as "autistic" who started speaking after 2 months of her doing art therapy with him.

She also developed family art therapy, group art therapy and couples art therapy as well as instituting these techniques for use with schizophrenics, alcoholics, physically challenged children and adults such as deaf, blind, and cerebral palsy.

Arden Rose taught art therapy at UC Berkeley and John F. Kennedy University before choosing a full-time art career in the mid-'80s, going on to become an internationally renowned artist.

Arden Rose is available for training seminars for corporations, teachers, therapists and private individuals of all ages who wish to enhance their creativity and work out problems through art therapy. She is also available to consult with corporations as to how to enhance creativity and create a relaxing environment through color.


Arden Rose, the Vision of a Painter (48 pages in color plus preface by André Parinaud, Art Critic, Art Historian; Paris, France) $50 plus $10 for shipping and handling in US or $15 for shipping and handling outside US.

Interacting Through Creative Arts Activities, Handbook on Art Therapy for teachers to help children work out problems; $40 plus $10 for shipping and handling in US and $15 for shipping and handling outside US. If you wish to purchase a painting, a book, a print make checks payable to Arden Rose and send to Arden Rose, P.O. Box 90625, Santa Barbara, California, 93190-0625 USA.

All sales should be handled by Arden Rose, the sole distributor of Arden Rose's artwork.

All prices are in U.S. currency.

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